BadCube has chosen the right path: The WAR path!

Producer: Bad Cube

Price: $119.99 USD

Release: May 2015

Height: Approx. 6.5″

WHERE TO BUY – The Chosen Prime

Bad Cube really went the extra mile with their Old Timers Series 04 WarDog. This homage to the Transformers G1 character “Warpath” hits well in the right places. Aesthetically, this is the more I’ve ever liked Warpath. He’s bulk but looks like he could hold his own in fisticuffs. The posability in robot mode is damned good…. really damned good. The one that I got for a review was a production sample so (as expected) it had some loose areas, but never felt “floppy” overall: this normally points to a production version that’s going to be very quality. The plastic itself feels good, and the figure has a good heft too it. The gun and shield are also great and have good storage in both robot and tank mode.

The biggest “con” for me was definitely the transformation. I don’t know how it could have been better, but the transformation from robot to Tank in particular has a lot of areas that need to be “exact” in order for it to all line up and fit together properly. I wouldn’t rate the transformation above a 5/10 in terms of difficulty, but I feel like that aspect will be something that frustrates a number of owners in general.

Overall, this was a fun piece to check out. Is this the figure that is going to make me do a 180 and start collecting Masterpiece figures? No. Is it something that I look forward to owning a retail copy of because it’s a pretty cool figure? Absolutely.

Overall Score: 7.0/10

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