Off to an insanely good start!

Producer: G-Creations
Price: $114.99 USD

Release: February 2015

Height: Approx. 8″


When G-Creations showed their “Shuraking” set of combining dinobots, I was pretty intrigued. It looked to be a combiner towards 17″ as well as a nice sized set of transforming dinobots. However, the CAD pictures and even the initial prototype shots of their first entry “Thunderous” didn’t leave me so impressed. That changed once I got it in hand. The size is fantastic, and overall “design” was more akin to Takara’s Masterpiece Grimlock than the stylizations that we’re used to with a lot of first and third party Transformers “classics” figures. The chrome paint is nice, but seems to be prone to chipping on the red-painted areas. It also seems like the joints range between extremely tight or very loose. For example, the waist swivels, but it’s so loose that I can tap one of his arms and the waist will do a full spin as long as nothing is blocking. It may be something that can be “strengthened” with polish, but that’s a really “bad look” out of the box.

The accessories kick all sorts of ass. He comes with two swords, two huge blasters, and the piece that doubles as his foot for leg-mode splits into two even LARGER blasters, both of which sets can be pegged onto his shoulders and ankles to look like a bonafide beast of a robot! When you’ve got him all armed up… I don’t know if there’s a classics-styled Transformer on my shelf that looks quite that battle-ready.

His alt modes are more than passable, and I really like the G1-toy-throwback with the clear outer neck and head in dino mode. However, I do wish that there was some more articulation in the neck more for positioning it in his other modes than anything else because it sticks out a big far on the backside as-is. The leg mode is impeccable and seems really durable and articulated.

We knew from the beginning that the ultimate goal for this set was to make a bad assed combiner; however with Thunderous, it’s clear to see that they’re giving the dinobots themselves a nice theme of basically being war machines. Kudos to G-Creations and I went from curious to beyond hyped for this set. I do hope their next release works on some of the joint issues that I saw with this release.

Overall Score: 7.5/10 – YEP!

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