Avast ye scurvy dogs! T’ mighty Thundertron be goin’ t’ kick your ser’y sterns t’ smith’reens!

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Availability: Discontinued

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“Shiver me timbers! Ye Landlubbers be gone t’ Davey Jones Locker”. Ok so what am I into now? It only meant for me to review one interesting character in the world of Transformers Prime. TF Prime Thundertron or I call him “Captain Star Seeker”! Yes! He is described as a “Star Seeker” (Intergalactic Pirate) by Cybertronian standards and luckily the only one left of their kind.

As the story goes Thundertron is seeking revenge not only to the decepticons but the whole lot of Primus. Yeeeeesssss, Its a bittersweet moment for the blue bearded Captain. It even made Megatron team up with his archenemies, the Autobots. But what intrigues me the most is Thundertron’s faction symbol. A deceptibot? Autocon? AutoDeceptiboticon? Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious? What is it? They stated that its a neutral faction consist of intergalactic races. That being said the existence of Star Seekers are confirmed in the Continuity. It was also specified in all TF continuum that most Cybertronians are on exile during Cybertron’s fall so for sure one of those groups fought and destroyed Thundertron’s world, causing him to go gaga over them.

He wasn’t primarily in the series but wherever the story TFPrime goes, I simply like it! There goes to show that the continuum doesn’t just stick to the usual G1 roots. Thundertron by the way, is not only a Captain of a ship called “Tidal Wave” (Cool name for a pirate ship!) but also a “Powerizer”. The name speaks for itself which simply describes his glowy appearance which shows in his weapons, a powerizer blade (that suck!) and his foot. Yes his foot which can be detached and turns into claws for a hack n slash melee type weapon to show those cybertronian scallywags a lesson about “Intergalactic Athletes Foot”. The figure shows a bit of “Beast Wars” form to it and he looks condescending. The face mold is awesome and resembles what a pirate should look like, sideburns like elvis and mutton chops only to have it decorated with a gold accent like a chandelier. A white-blue-gold color combination that makes Ultra Magnus having a twin brother from another Cybertronian mother.

Just to give you guys a heads up, I customized the powerizer weapon to my liking. I really hate the bulkiness of the weapon itself and theres no locking mechanism to make it stay in one place. If you are a customs geek then you can probably manage but if this will be your first time to do it then leave it to the experts unless you want to experiment on it. It depends on your preference. I really prefer it to look like it came out of its hands so the blade is more or less organic to his arms. Plus I can connect it on his arms for a “tonfa” blade. Alt mode is pretty cool and sleek, streamline so to speak. Although it looks like a over-malnourished lion. But it would probably be awesome if the front limbs can have articulation for those running and pouncing poses. It just wasn’t enough to give me an attraction to it but overall the alt mode is simply unique in design than those previous lion versions like Beast Wars Leo Prime.

Overall Thundertron is a notch up with Hasbro’s creativity with its characters and unique in a sense that the show is making a mark in the Transformers Continuity. Even if they missed some of the important design with the Alt mode, I love the figure. I love their idea of a revenge-seeking pirate who’s fed up with the Autobot-Decepticon mishmash that lasted for eons sort of stuff. He could have been popular, but I wish there was more to TF prime. They could have gave Thundertron’s story a chance to shine, Its like halfway to finishing your pistachio ice cream then some random seagull just snagged it from you leaving a bitter aftertaste in your mouth, You almost had it Hasbro, You almost had it.

Score: 7/10

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