Datong Super Saiyajin Vegeta is da-talk of da-town with its re-issue.

Manufacturer: Datong

Price: $25.00 – $50.00 USD

Datong (a company that is known for Bandai bootlegs) has re issued Super Saiyajin Vegeta figure which has some differences from its previous release. Considering this is a knock off of SH Figuarts SSJ Vegeta, the details were straight on, almost identical to the original except for the slightly bad paint apps which is common for Datong figures (BAD Q.C.). The accessories are the same with the first release figure. Everything from the hands to the head are complete and the first thing I noticed is the head sculpt. There are some missing lines but of course it can be touched up with a small technical pen (around 0.1) if you have one. The shade of blue is different and a bit darker than the first release and there are some darker shading on the legs too.

There are minor gaps on the armor itself but doesn’t affect the overall aesthetics of the figure. One thing I noticed is the hair highlights, it is by far the nicest paint app they did, it is remarkably matched to the anime highlights with a bit on the orange side. the boots however is off colored from the fully painted shins to the plain colored toes of the figure. If you got the same re issue figure you know what I mean. Some of the peeps I talked to said that the color hue of this figure reminds them of Vegeta during his fight against Super Gourmet Cell (Its the second form before is perfect mode). More or less Datong got the color right, just a bit off with the molds again.

One of the things that impressed me is how this figure got tight joints! Scary at first though and you might think you’ll be breaking it (I don’t know if its my figure only but handle it with care). Make sure you oil those joints first (if they are really tight like mine). Regardless of the issues I still like it! He really looks bad, in a good way if you know what I’m saying. Just to remind you that I bought this for the sake of my reviewing it, well sort of. I just love Vegeta and how his character works in the series. He’s a proud warrior and never gives up a fight (well except the time when they were going against Ginew). But overall rating for this figure is 8/10 for 2 reasons, First, for being a bootleg it is a real pain if you try buying one. You’ll never know if what you’re buying is a quality figure regardless this is already a re-issue. So reminding you that the 1st release is still out there and it has tons of issues with the looseness of the figure. I just got lucky that the joints on my figure are really tight which is good for posing. Second, being a bootleg sometimes its a hit or miss. What I am referring to was about the mold and the sculpt of the figure. Yours may end up better than mine or vice versa so think about it first before you buy one. So if you are saving some money instead of buying those really expensive originals then buy this guy. If you have the patience to wait, better yet save a bit and get yourself an original advanced colors Vegeta from Bandai. After all whats a bootleg if you can buy a better figure, although you have to wait until the end of the year to get one.

Overall 8/10

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