Shadow Fisher Assault Cuirass for Fansproject Revolver.

  • Looks cool!
  • Die cast parts
  • Missile hatch gimmick
  • BFG
  • Easy to attach
  • Cost effective alternative to FP version


  • Some of the parts on mine came warped
  • Gun is loose when mounted in car mode
  • Die cast arm parts weigh down arms
  • Inhibits range of motion in arms
  • Hands look goofy gripping the new gun

Knowing what I know now, would I buy it again? Short answer, yes.

I pre-ordered the Shadow Fisher Assault Cuirass without even thinking twice. I always wanted the armor parts for Revolver, but didn’t really want to spend the $200+ for Riftshot and Recoil to get it. On top of that, the diecast parts, missile hatch gimmick, and $50 price tag made it seem like a fantastic value and I was very excited to get it.



The parts are easy enough to attach and don’t require any tools like Wardens upgrade parts do and the plastic quality is decent enough. Admittedly the armor parts do look really cool, and if looking cool is the extent of your expectations for this set, you can stop reading right here. The set includes a virtual arsenal for Revolver and he looks absolutely beastly with everything installed. That said, my initial excitement was somewhat diminished after getting the set in hand.

My primary complaint is that some of the parts do not tab together well (or at all) in alt mode. Some of the parts that make up the feet in bot mode came warped on mine. In bot mode, the feet are fine and make an extra stable base to support the added weight, however in alt mode, they dont tab together securely or in some cases at all. In addition to that, the gun that comes in the set pegs in very loosely, and kind of flops around after being connected. What I was left with after some fiddling with the warped parts, is armored parts that just kind of sit on top of the car unsecured. In fact, if you turn him over in alt mode, everything comes crashing off. It’s really not that big of a deal as long your Revolver spends most of his time sitting on a shelf looking pretty like mine does. It’s also worth mentioning that the issues I had could be isolated to my set.


Another issue I had with the armor is the diecast parts in the arms. In alt mode, the parts make a really cool diecast brush guard that looks like something straight out of Mad Max. Unfortunately, the extra weight from the diecast weights down Revolvers arms considerably and is often too much for his joints to hold making his arms sink down to his sides after being posed. On top of that, the extra bulk reduces the already limited range of motion in Revolvers arms.

Lastly, it seems that Shadow Fisher forgot that Revolver needs to be able to hold his guns with the new gauntlets attached. Instead of holding his new rifle with a closed fist, the gun is awkwardly slotted into the back the hand. Not only can his fist not be closed while holding the gun, but the rifle does not slot all the way in and butt of the rifle bumps up against the thumb, causing the gun to awkwardly bow outwards. Rather unfortunate considering how nice the new gun looks.


All of my complaints aside, the armored up Revolver really DOES look impressive. The extra height and bulk make him an imposing adversary for any decepticon foolish enough to cross him. If you already have the Fansproject armor parts, I’m not sure the Shadow Fisher version is worth picking up. That said, if you’re like me, and want the armor without having to drop the money on the Fansproject version, this set will work well enough.

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