Crystalys is further proof that Iron Factory just keeps getting better and better.

Producer: Iron Factory

Price: Approx. $50 USD

Release Date: Feb. 2018

Item Height: Approx. 4.75″

Item Weight: N/A

Batteries: N/A

WHERE TO BUY: TFSource, The Chosen Prime

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Iron Factory just keeps its ball of amazing products rolling with their homage to the “Transformers: Zone” character Dai Atlas with IF EX-25 Crystalys. Check out this killer piece in motion above as well as my thoughts and gallery below and let me know what you think in the comments!

Presentation: The box is cardboard and and the designs on it are pretty standard for Iron Factory products using nice pictures of the product throughout as well as nice shapes and lining to accentuate the graphics. There is a see-through part to where you can see the piece packaged in its robot mode. The product itself is placed well inside of its plastic shell with a clear plastic cover.

Build: Iron Factory’s Crystalys is a wholly-plastic piece using a strong grade of plastic. The only areas that I had some worry with are the flaps on the forearms that come down to rotate the fists inwards for transformation and even though they’re “bendable” they still don’t feel frail; just be cautious which transforming the figure that you’re flipping those pieces back up by the swing joint rather than those flaps themselves (see the transformation section of the video.)

Accessories: Crystalys comes pretty packed with accessories. It comes with the sword and shield that Dai Atlas and its toy homages are accustomed to having as well as a variety of different, pre-posed hands. It also comes with two attachments to hold it onto the flight stands that have come with select Iron Factory Products and those attachments can also function as pieces for attaching his shield to his backpack.

Articulation: The articulation on Crystalys is strong. It’s an ab-crunch away from having advanced articulation,
and at a legends-scaled sizing I’d say its articulation is phenomenal. The real standout for me in this area is the ability for the shoulders to “butterfly” (extend to have more forward and backward swing) so that he can hold his sword with both hands. The smooth rotations on the joints really show a lot of effort that Iron Factory has dedicated towards the quality aspect of their products. The additional hands also really help accentuate some of the poses it csn fo sd well.

Overall Score: 9.0/10 – Iron Factory absolutely murdered it with Crystalys. It’s awesome to see how far Iron Factory has come along in terms of not only design but just plain refinement. Many companies tend to see a decrease in quality when releasing at such a fast pace but Iron Factory has managed to do it while steadily becoming better. Crystalys is a strong recommendation for anyone who likes cool “robit” toys.

Check out the gallery below and if you fancy one of your own, check out The Chosen Prime and order yours.

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