Taking a look at the second half of The War Giant Blaster duo, Spin Vulture.

Producer: Iron Factory

Price: Approx. $70 USD

Release Date: Feb. 2018

Item Height: Approx. 4″

Item Weight: N/A

Batteries: N/A

WHERE TO BUY: The Chosen Prime

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Following up with the review of Iron Factory’s IF EX-23’s first half Booster Spear, today we’ll take a look at Spin Vulture which is their homage to the Transformers character Vortex. Check out my thoughts on and gallery of this piece and let me know what you think in the comments.

Build: Much like Booster Spear, Spin Vulture is a plastic piece that’s well-built and made of good materials. However unlike Booster, Spin Vulture really doesn’t have any areas that feel like you have to be careful when working with. Just unbox and have fun.

Accessories: A few guns and a stand adapter make up Booster Spear’s arsenal.

Articulation: The articulation on Booster Spear is absolutely incredible for a Legend-scaled piece and I really imploring you guys as readers to check out the video section to see it in motion. I know that a lot of it is owed to the additional parts used for the combiner arm mode’s articulation, but seeing true ab crunch and the like on this piece just put me over the moon. It’s very, very wel articulated and a load of fun to play with in its robot mode.

Overall Score: 9.5/10 – Spin vulture is pretty much a re skinned Booster Spear in terms of functionality however is very unique in terms of its general design. Much like Booster Spear it’s well made and “fun.” my only gripe on this one is that the blades in robot mode can be a bit fussy to get into place but once they’re there, they stay in place fairly well. Both Spin Vulture and Booster Spear are standout pieces in their own right.

Check out the gallery below and if you fancy one of your own, check out The Chosen Prime and order yours.

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