Real assassins wear pink! Perfect Effect PE-DX-01 RC Motobot (Pink Version)


Price : 99.95 USD

Manufacturer: Perfect Effect

Availability: Discontinued

Where to buy: Ask a friend or ebay if you get lucky.

There are reasons why I see women can be as dangerous or even more than men. Statistics show that 80 to 90 percent of assassins in the world are consist of women as young as 18 to 30 years old. Intelligence agencies around the world has a majority of women in their workforce. Kacy Catanzaro recently conquered difficult stages of obstacles in “American Ninja Warrior” making her the first woman to conquer that seemingly impossible course. With regards to pain resistance, a woman can resist a pain scale of 10 than men when giving birth. click this link: pain scale and you’ll see what I mean. We can’t even resist a kick-in-the-family-jewels pain like they can. But why is it? Is it because a combined factor of beauty and brains? Seduction? There’s is only one reason. Multitasking. Women are born multitaskers. They can go on without hesitating on every single task at hand. Lets make an example. Your mother can cook, do laundry, feed you, bathe you, take you to your dentist, do her hair, take a shower, and watch your dad slobber his favorite spaghetti all in one day! Women and men are so different not only physically but also mentally. So why am I telling you this? Imagine this, of all your 3rd party transforming figures you own, fembots has a lot of weapons included? Thats how it works with fembots. Weapons include dual wielded guns and dual wielded swords for that awesome killing pose. But there’s one fembot figure that really caught my eye and that is PE-DX-01 RC Motobot by 3rd party company Perfect Effect or P.E. for short.

As common to most Arcee representations, that pink and white color combination really works for that “wolf in sheep’s clothing” look. you can see her robot mode as she talks business. Perfect Effect went for that “athletic” physique, a combination that goes for a stealthy assassin like their version of her. She has a lot of weapons included; all dual wielded but this one have an ace up on her sleeve, a sniper rifle. Who would not want a sniper rifle? How cool is that! This figure is the perfect icon of an assassin in all of the 3rd party fembot figures. More ruthless looking and less kawai! in them. Articulation is superb on this figure. What astounded me the most is the hand tilt for that sniping mode pose with two hands. You can even do the crouch position with the sniper rifle for that awesome stealthy look.

Surprisingly cool looking Alt mode for this figure. A futuristic motorcycle that not only feels solid but looks good too. Amazingly sturdy transformation as all the parts fills those tight spaces like a glove and imagine you can all the weapons can fit within the alt mode itself? It was properly engineered from top to bottom. I know they call it “parts forming” when you remove most of the parts for easy transformation but everything else on this figure works well for both modes. Tons of detail and those wheel treads really caught my eye. It shows a modern version for a famous fembot icon.

Overall I dig the style and a unique perspective if Arcee would be given a makeover. Another plus is the awesome weapons customization. Its all in there and you only need to have is a strong imagination to figure out how it works. A perfect effect to the mind as to what I call it. I guess the word “perfect” really represents the company not in an engineering sense but to what they do best, execution.

Score: 9.0/10

To God be the Glory!

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