Sentinel gives Getter 1’s Armageddon design more-than-due justice with this fantastic piece designed by T-Rex!

Producer: Sen-ti-nel (Designed by T-Rex)

Price: Approx. $91 USD

Release Date: Mar. 2014

Item Height: Approx. 5.75″

Item Weight: N/A


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In 2014, Sentinel released this homage to Getter 1 and I was thankfully able to purchase it in later 2016 due to a reissue. Out of all of the homages to Getter 1 I own, this is my absolute favorite. It looks fantastic, is a solid piece, and the articulation is pretty damned good (my one niggle being that I wish there was more front and back swing in the hips.) The accessories and even gimmicks like the storage of the axes are tops and I was especially impressed with the addition of a “frowning” face which was nice because it’s so different. The fact that it actually comes with an adapter for the generic Sentinel stand is also a big plus.

Check out the video review above to see it all in motion as well as my gallery below to get a look at some of the fun I had messing around with it. Let me know what you think in the comments as well.

Overall Score: 8.5/10 – This is just a great piece. Great, sculpt, build, finish, and good articulation make this a fun piece to both look at and play around with. If you’re a fan of the “Armageddon” design of Getter 1, then this is a must-have. Honestly, it was a piece I bought just because and am very glad I did now that I’ve actually had a chance to check it out. Highly recommend this one.

Check out the gallery below, and keep an eye on Sentinel International for a possible re release.

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