Sentinel not only gives us another awesome Megaman X series figure but gives us a spiritual successor to one of the greatest Megaman X toylines to date while doing so.

Producer: Sentinel

Price: Approx. $155 USD

Release Date: Nov. 2020

Item Height: approx. 6.25″

Item Weight: N/A

Batteries: N/A

WHERE TO BUY: The Toys Source

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I have to say Sentinel has been my favorite company over this past decade when it comes to Megaman collectibles. Between them producing the Truforce Collectibles Megaman X variants as well as their 4inch-nel line of Megaman figures, they’ve really put out what I feel are the best modern Megaman pieces on an objective basis. Now they’ve taken it a step farther with an update to the beloved Truforce Collectibles Megaman X in their Riobot line Megaman X Falcon Armor. This armor from Megaman X5 had some tremendous artwork done for it by Eiichi Shimizu and the Sentinel Riobot homages that artwork/stylization. It’s a figure that looks and plays very well. Check out the video above as well as my written thoughts and gallery below and feel free to let me know what you think in the comments.

Presentation: TThe box is a nice, thick cardboard with some amazing artwork of Megaman X donning the Falcon armor by Eiichi Shimizi (which this product was based off of) that people may know from Mangas like Getter Robo or Ultraman. The backside has shots of the product itself as well as some nicely placed graphics all of which are on top of a nice black background. It’s a box honestly nice enough to display on its own. The figure and accessories are all nicely packed into a single-layer plastic clamshell.

Build: Outside of the diecast joints in the legs, the Sentinel Megaman X Falcon Armor is pretty much an all plastic piece. This isn’t a bad thing as it still feels like a solid toy and has almost just as much of a “weighty” feel as the Truforce Megaman X products. The paint job is miraculous and engineering is awesome. However I found the joints in the hips to be more loose than I think they should have been out of the box. Adding polish alleviated the issue but it’s not something that should have to be done first thing.

Accessories: Here’s a list of the accessories taken from the product listing;

-Alternative face part x1
-Alternative hand x1 pairs
-Gurren boomerang
-Blaster for left arm

It’s a very “basic” set of accessories which I have no problem with but it being almost double the price of the Truforce Collectibles Megaman X it’s hard not to notice things being less in comparison like in this case it not having something like an effect part to at least equal what the Truforce Megaman figures came with. Regardless, the face and hands look and fit well, and the blaster features a light up method by just pressing on the front of the blaster vs. the more complicated turn-and-click of the Truforce. Howeverr my problem with the blaster lays in the fact that it’s made to solely attach to the left arm. Whether its display or even in-game accuracy making the blaster ambidextrous is “best for business.”

Articulation: The articulation on this piece is amazing and for all intents and purposes mimics the Truforce Collectibles Megaman X minus its ability to drop its hips down a bit to give further front and back swing for the legs. The more bulky chest piece of the Falcon armor limits the ab crunch a bit but it still isn’t bad by any means. Even though it doesn’t effect the articulation itself I will say that I miss the “animated” knees while bending them of the Truforce Megaman where Sentinel’s Falcon armor really doesn’t have any neat aesthetic tricks like that.

Overall Score: 8.0/10 – Sentinel took a good base and made sensible, solid improvements on it with the Megaman X Falcon Armor. It’s a piece that plain looks and plays well. Outside of the hips being a bit loose and maybe some added accessories like faces or effect pieces to balance out the higher cost than the Truforce pieces that came with more, I don’t really have much for this one in terms of complaints. Their Megaman X Falcon Armor is a really good piece with a really nice look.

Check out the gallery below, and if you fancy a Sentinel Riobot Megmaan X Falcon Armor for yourself, order one ASAP at The Toy Source.

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