They almost had it…

Producer: Sentinel x T-Rex
Price: $110

Release: Jan 2015

Materials: Height approx. 180mm

Designer: Takayuki Higashi (Sculptor)


I don’t really have much to say on this one. It’s a fantastic aesthetic with an awesome, diecast feel that seems marred by the armorize (“dress up”) gimmick. The limited poseability in the arms particularly really feels like a kick in the nuts as someone who wants to achieve some of the classic poses like the kneeling Iron Man or even the palm thruster blast without cheating. $100 is a bit expensive for a 6″ display piece.

The positives are that the aesthetic really is great. This rendition of the Model 25 armor from the comics is absolutely fantastic. Also, for attachment pieces, the armor stays on extremely well and doesn’t “look” like it’s attached on. On the other hand, Stark without the armor is so odd that I feel this should have just been armored to begin with and included an alternate stark head. I feel that if it were the case the poseability issues wouldn’t exist because they don’t seem to be there with the Bleeding Edge Iron Man figure released under the Re:Edit line.

Overall Score: 6.5/10

Enjoy a few more pictures of this figure below! Remember to click the pictures to view larger resolutions:

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