The Feral Rex journey is now complete!

Producer: Mastermind Creations
Price: $94.95 USD

Release: February 2015

Height: Approx. 6″


There isn’t much to say besides the fact that this figure is incredible and by far my favorite out of the Feral Rex “Feral Cons.” A great homage to Catilla that can double as an arm for Feral Rex really doesn’t get much of an argument from me. The Tigris mold that was used as a base for this works incredibly well and the fantastic coloring with an even better headsculpt really make it stand well on its own. It even has the G1-homaging battle mask the doubles as a forearm guard in robot mode.

The Feral Rex saga ends on an absolutely fantastic note with Felisaber.

Overall Score: 9.0/10

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