Alright… this is just awesome!

Producer: MegaSteel

Price: $109.95 USD

Release: Jul 2015

Height: Approx. 7.0″


Ever since I’d seen the prototype, I was very excited for MegaSteel’s MS-01 Tronus (Originally named “Granville”). This homage to Don Figuero’s concept design for Stormbringer Megatron really does a great job at bringing the artwork to life (note: for the most part, the concept art is same as comic but the color applications are different). Even though it has that bulky and imposing presence to it, the video portion shows off that it has just as much poseability as about any other transformers toy so don’t worry about having bought a “brick” by any means.

In terms of accessories, it comes with his patented sword and gauntlet (albeit this time in red rather than purple for each). His right arm features his canon which is removeable and also a new dual-blaster that pegs into his left arm (This isn’t seen in the comics, but makes for filler for the front of the tank in alt mode: it’s removable so you’re free to take it off for a more authentic look.) The guns on his shoulder pads also remove. One of the best parts about him is that all of his weapons use 5mm pegs so it makes for a lot of variety as well as compatibility with other Transformers toys.

As you can see in the video portion, the transformation is relatively simple (especially after doing it once or twice.) The alt. mode is a nice H-Tank with rolling wheels underneat the faux-treads and a swiveling turrent. The robot mode i the star but this alt. mode is definitely no slouch.

Great job, MegaSteel. Tronus came out well and I’m looking forward to what’s next.

Overall Score: 8.0/10

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