Continuing with the Perfect Effect PA upgrade series, here’s PA-02 Samurai for ROTF Voyager Bludgeon! This kit made this toy centerpiece display for me.

Video Segments:

Straightforward overview: Not divided into segments!

This kit comes with all of the weaponry that the previously reviewed PA-01 Super Tank kit does PLUS two helmets and two heads that each have a face on each side. The two faces on each head are a Cybertronian and more human-like skeleton, while the two heads differ in one being white while the other is silver.

I enjoy that the fiction justifies each of the helmets and faces by having him loose to RC and be resurrected by a mysterious figure and upgraded with the alternate helmet, face, and shoulder cannon. I bought a ROTF Voyager Bludgeon toy as soon as I saw him featured in the RC comic, and it sat in the box until this kit came in. Needless to say, I wasn’t disappointed at all.

HeadRobots previously did an upgrade kit for ROTF Bludgeon, but I held off since I much prefer Perfect Effect’s more anime-influenced aesthetic. The diecast pieces and overall new look make me very happy to have had the opportunity to own this. For those looking to have a true, Classics-styled Bludgeon in their collection, I’d highly recommend this kit.

Overall Score: 8.5/10

Enjoy a few more pictures of this figure below! Remember to click the pictures to view larger resolutions:

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