The Knight has slimmed up and packed on some awesome!

Producer: Sen-Ti-Nel

Price: $115 USD

Release: Jul. 2015

Height: Approx. 7.0″


Sen-ti-nel’s Gaiking is a very impressive piece. The more humanized proportions and “Spawn-like” aesthetic really give it a modern look while making its higher level of articulation make more sense. The paint apps are absolutely flawless and it’s one of the few products I’ve owned that has used a decent amount of gold coloring without it looking obstrusive to me… it’s done in a very subtle tone that has a unique way of “shading” itself even though it’s flat colored (it’s hard to explain, so just check out the gallery.) The diecast resides in his backpack and lower legs.

The accessories are pretty good; a variety of hands, two melee weapons (resembling jousting lances), and a shield. his kneepads also come off to become throwing stars. It’s nice that he can weild both lances and his shield at once; it’s not something that you see often.

Honestly, my only grips are the two side armor pieces that peg in to hold the cape down. The pegs should have been longer although I understand a reluctance for that because that would make the pegs more liable to breakage. I also wish that his heels wear a bit more “behind” his calves to give him better balance. Overall, Gaiking is a great design and a solid piece from Sen-ti-nel and I’d highly recommend it.

Overall Score: 8.0./10

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