Casshern may have sinned, but this toy sure didn’t!

Producer: Sen-ti-Nel

Price: 7,160 JPY

Release: Jun 2015

Height: Approx. 7.0″


Sen-ti-Nel brings us a down-right gorgeous rendition of Casshern from the “Casshern: Sins” anime. Featuring incredible paint apps, an incredibly-bright LED in the chest logo, and diecast legs: this one does not disappoint on the eyes one bit. The amount of poseability is great too, especially if you’re wanting to emulate his spiderman-like poses in the anime.

The accessories are slim, but good: two sets of hands and a stand… it keeps him pretty true to the anime as his fight scenes were hand-to-hand for the utmost part.

Simple, straight-forward, beautiful, and well-made. There literally isn’t too much more that you can ask for out of a figure. This one delivers.

Overall Score: 8.5/10

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