Another 3rd Party Transformer character war has begun, and this time it’s for Trailbreaker! Bad Cube has thrown their “Speed Bump” figure into the foray.

Producer: BadCube

Price: Approx. $100 USD

Release Date: Oct. 2016

Item Height: Approx. 8.5″

Item Weight: Approx. 2 lbs (unboxed)

WHERE TO BUY: The Chosen Prime

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Badcube has given me the opportunity to take a look at the latest in their Masterpiece-scaled line of Transformers homages in Speed Bump which is their likeness to the character Trailbreaker. The video review gives a good run down of its look and features so there isn’t too much more I can add in text. However, I will add that the transformation, while intuitive, is one I was able to achieve without instructions and feel that I can get down to transforming in a few minutes if I had a few more tries at practicing it. It has a lot of general “steps” but nothing too complicated.

Overall Score: 7.0/10 – I think that it’s a solid piece but it’s going to face some pretty strong competition from Ocular Max’s iteration.I know that it may not being what Bad Cube is “known” for but I wish that there was a bit more stylization to Speed Bump’s robot mode. Overall, I think that there’ll be an audience for this version. Now to wait for the third and fourth companies to reveal their Trailbreakers.

Check out the gallery below Bad Cube’s Speed Bump below and if you like what you see, order yours from The Chosen Prime.

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