Popular Transformers news sourcer DaimChoc stops by with a review of DX9’s Hulkie!

It’s so refreshing to finally get a combiner set of this scale that’s got a lot of articulation. This set packs a big punch for such a small size. The individual figures have a lot of poseability, and works really well with other Legends scaled figures. Lots of playability and the figures are very well made. DX9Toys is really making a niche of their own.

The combiner parts are very well integrated in the individual bot and alt modes. You can still put the combiner fists aside, if you want to. The Dump Truck has a lot of articulation due to how it transforms. The crane part was intuitively done so that it forms the chest shield in combiner mode. I do wish that it would have had some boom-arm extensions for alt mode use.

It was a treat combining all six figure to form Hulkie. It has a lot of character and stands pretty solid in any pose, within limits. Combiner mode is very clean. Though, I’m sure some might look for the crane arm on the combiner shoulder, or the dump truck part for the back. still it’s a very well made set and will definitely give you lots of fun time with it.

Thanks to Kuma Style for allowing me to share in the fun with Hulkie. I do hope you get your set.

And I’d like to thank DaimChoc for lending me a hand with this review as well. Check out his gallery below:

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