About as much Kung Fu as you can cram into a 6 inch figure.

Manufacture: Hasbro
Scale: 1/12
MSRP: $19.99
What comes in the box: Iron Fist, All Father BAF Part, four sets of hands.


  • Excellent articulation and range of motion
  • Dynamic Sculpt
  • Tons of interchangeable hands
  • Iron_Fist_Portrait_Art

    • Hit or miss paint apps
    • Nub marks, flash, seem lines
    • iron-fist

      Iron Fist is easily the most under rated figure in the All Father Legends wave. For a figure with an MSRP below $20 he sports an incredible amount of articulation, and an impressive range of motion to go along with it.


      His stylized sculpt, while somewhat awkward in static poses, makes him look very natural when posed dynamically. His paint application are, for the most part, pretty well applied. He has some preshadeing under the white of his costume to bring out his sculpt which is a nice touch. I had a ton of fun pushing the figure to its limit trying to see what kind of extreme poses I could pull off.





      Normaly I am frustrated by the fact that Legends figures generaly dont come with extra hands, which limits the number of poses they can be put into without them looking awkward. Iron fist comes with extra hands, LOTS of extra hands.


      Five sets of extra hands in total and they are all great. I really wish Hasbro would start packing in extra hands with all their figures because it really does bring a lot to the overall enjoyment of the figure. For a figure that I was initially not interested in, Iron Fist has become of my favorite legends figures.

      Iron fist comes will all of the gripes that I have with most Legends figures. Some of his paint is a little thin in areas, there is flash here and there and some nub marks and seem lines on his torso. Also, I had a few little spots in the black around his eyes that needed to be filled in and the white paint over the gold parts of his shins doesn’t quit match the rest of him. None of these issues diminish my enjoyment of the figure, probably because I expect these type of issues in a figure in this price range.

      All said and done, I think you would hard pressed to find a more enjoyable figure at this price range. If you’re looking for a figure with flawless paint apps and prefect finish that you put into a display case and repose twice a year, look else-ware. If your looking for a figure to throw on your desk, pose, and repose on a daily bases, Iron Fist just might be what you are looking for.








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