It’s a great time to be a Transformers collector when we have an actual, Masterpiece-scaled Laser Prime.

Producer: FansHobby

Price: Approx. $119.99 USD

Release Date: June 2016

Item Height: Approx. 9.5″

Item Weight: N/A

WHERE TO BUY: The Chosen Prime

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FansHobby has released the fourth in their “Master Builders” line of Masterpiece-scaled Transformers homages with MB-04 GunFighter II (G2… get it?) This homage to Laser Prime is a repaint and retool of the previously released and reviewed MB-014 ArchEnemy and features an additional pair of guns on top of added features like an opening chest and removable matrix. Check out my video review above as well as my thoughts and gallery below then let me know what you think in the comments.

Overall Score: 7.5/10 – This is a pretty awesome piece. It’s great looking, built solidly, and comes with a good amount of accessories at a pretty good price. However, between both first and third party companies, the Masterpiece-scaled “universe” is getting more and more expansive by the day and Gunfighter’s articulation feels a step or two behind the current standards; particularly in its upper body (Hell, even looking at some of the 3rd party classics lines like the MakeToys Cross Dimension stuff makes this feel like something from a decade ago.) Gunfighter II has the Masterpiece look but I feel like it should be a step up on the “toy” side of things which would easily make it a 10 score. I feel like the simplicity of these items are both a blessing and a curse.

Check out the gallery below, and if remember that The Chosen Prime has these for order if you’d like one of your own.

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