The King(s) have entered the building!

Producer: Fansproject

Price: N/A

Release: Mar. 2016

Height: Approx. 8.0″

WHERE TO BUY: Fansproject Core

overview white

Trianix Alpha has a different feel right off the bat when you see that you’re presented with three solerons (minature robots that transform into plates that mount onto corers which are transforming exo-suits) as well as three vehicles rather than the standard transforming robot. The Solerons are named Melix (blue), Balthazar (red), and Casper (yellow) after the three wisemen of biblical tales (memory jog: the original teaser in warbot instructions had the title of “The three kings.”) The Solerons are the standard, 2″ size of the previous “breast-master” styled ones and feature the exact same transformation. The vehicles are very pretty to look at; the blues, reds, and yellows of the “DIA BATTLES” toy that this homages really pop and work well together. One thing to note about the vehicle modes is that I was not able to get them to combine like the upcoming Trianix Delta vehicle modes do as there seems to be quite a bit of retooling done to add that combination feature on Delta.

It’s a fairly simple transformation and when you get it all combined what’s impressive is how it plays like such a fluid, singular figure. It combines in a way that no poseability is lost at all and outside of the fact that you have to put it together you can’t tell that it’s a “combiner” from either a “jumbled” aesthetic or visible connection points. It feels very solid and has no diecast but a nice, hefty feel to it. Like the other Warbots using Solerons, this continues the trend of having full compatibility in terms of being able to swap the solerons out with others from the line. Speaking of Solerons; the three points of connection for Solerons on this piece sounds a bit excessive on paper but really looks good.

Overall, this is a great culmination of where the Warbot line has been headed in terms of design and engineering. I feel like Fansproject/FPCore have really knocked this one out of the park and I’m hoping that it’s release goes smoothly. Again; this is an exclusive so keep an eye out on that site for order information.

Overall Score: 8.0/10 – Will likely improve with final copy

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