This is beyond Beast Wars II just getting some love!

Producer: Perfect Effect

Price: $150 USD

Release: Aug. 2015

Height: Approx. 8.0″


I’m just going to start off by saying that Perfect Effect really did a magnificent job with Leonidas. As said in the video review, it really feels like a culmination of past efforts taking the best aspects of products from their PE-DX RC to Warden/Gaurdian and using them to really make Leonidas something really special. The cybertronian beast aesthetic is something you’re going to either like or dislike, but the quality is undeniable. At $150, the size, diecast areas, and amount of accessories really make it feel like a steal at that price. And then, it’s so damned poseable that it makes it hard to even play with other transformers having “standard” articulation (and I’m being serious; I went onto my next review and decided to hold off and give it a day because my immediate standards had become so warped from Leonidas.)

In terms of quality, it’s great but definitely has some areas that you’re going to want to watch out for. The most prevalent is the tail… please watch the transformation section of the video review above for a proper way to handle the joints and store it. It comes with a few extra joints in case, but those are just as prone to break so make sure you’re handling properly. Another issue that people have reported is the balljoints on the hips… I didn’t have any problem with them being loose, but the balljoints set in pretty deep into the hips so if you’re attempting to disassemble and fix, be careful… the piece attached to the balljoint isn’t “frail” but definitely doesn’t look thick enough to just yank that thing out.

I highly recommend this one, even if you’re not a fan of Transformers. It actually transcends into being such a cool robot toy that it could make sense to see someone having it on the shelf as the only Transformers-homaging collectible they own. Please leave your comments below as well; I’d love to read what you all think of this piece too!

Overall Score: 9.5/10

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