New color photos released of Axel, the motorcycle bot for Maketoys Guardia, their homage to G1 Defensor!

Maketoys is on a roll today with tonnes of new photos! New photos released of Axel, the Groove analogue for Maketoys upcoming Defensor homage, Guardia. This guy looks really great to me, his bot mode is tight and his alt mode looks incredibly cool! Do I even spy a false autobot badge on the middle of his chest there?! Very cheeky Maketoys :)

Guardia is shaping up to be an gorgeous bot, but with so much competition in the market right now for Defensor both official and unofficial, is there room for another player at the table? I’m a huge fan of Maketoys products and their design aesthetics so I’m definitely interested, what about you? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

Check out these photos for now!

Maketoys Axel

Maketoys Axel

Maketoys Axel

Maketoys Axel

Maketoys Axel

Source: TFW2005

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