Hasbro has recently revealed some new items for their “Titans Return” line including Fort Max, PowerMaster Prime, and a G2 colored Bruticus. Below I’ll share some thoughts as well as pictures.

Fort Max: It’s just art right now, but I think it’s cool that they’re doing it in general. It’s labeled as Titan Class which seems to be a variety of heights where Metroplex was around 24″ while the Devastator was 18″. For this to “scale properly” it’d have to be around 6′ tall, and I think it’s safe to assume that’s not happening so where would they decide to leave its height at? Leaves a lot of possibilities.

Power Master Prime: This one’s hot, and I’m definitely looking forward to product images.I really like the chunky proportions of it… a lot. I think this is going to be a hit as long as it doesn’t turn out to have been made like junk. I haven’t bought a Hasbro Transformer for I believe going on two years now, and it’d be nice to break that streak.

G2 Bruticus: I think it looks great… for a Combiner Wars figure. I think that the Combiner Wars in general are the best Combiners that Has/Tak have ever done, but having invested into 3rd Party combiners for so long, the standard has been set and they just don’t fit the bill. That being said, I think that this is the most attractive of the line so far and I’ve always really liked the G2 camouflage deco.

Thanks to TFW2005 and The All Spark we’ve got some great pics to share. Check em out below and let me know what you think:

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