MakeToys’ MTCD-05SP Buster Stealthwing may just be a repaint that overshadows the traditional color.

Producer: MakeToys

Price: Approx. $125

Release Date: Jan. 2019

Item Height: Approx. 8.5″

Item Weight: N/A


overview white

With Maketoys’ MTCD-05 Buster Skywing (their “Cross Dimensions” styled homage to the Transformers character Jetfire) coming in April, they’re giving us a bit of an advanced peak by releasing the black version, MTCD-05SP Buster Stealthwing this month. Being a sharp deco in its own right that matches in very well with either the good or bad guys in your Cross Dimensions collection, I think that this one is definitely worth checking out, especially as armor for your Striker Manus molds. See it in motion above and check out my thoughts and gallery below.

Presentation: The box is a thick, cardboard one with a glossed finish. The styling of the graphics and their layout reminds me a lot of the Striker Noir box which certainly isn’t bad. The item is packed in its robot mode well into its plastic clamshell along with the accessories.

Build: Buster Stealthwing is a plastic and made of good materials. The joints are a mixture of friction and soft ratchets with everything moving pretty smooth as well as feeling fluid while posing. Overall it’s certainly not a high-end piece but is definitely well made for what it is.

Accessories: Buster Stealthwing comes with weaponry that’s “technically” detachable from him for transformation and armor mode purposes but his forearm Blasters and winged backpack definitely look the most natural attached to him in both his robot and alt. modes. He also comes with additional parts to help parts of him attach to the Striker Manus mold variants as an armored mode for it.

Articulation: His articulation points definitely meat the more advanced standard of articulation that the Cross Dimension line from MakeToys has set but due to the sheer size of his body and limbs he can’t pull the more intense poses off as dynamically as some of the more slim characters released.

Overall Score: 7.5/10 – I think that Buster Stealthwing fills a nice gap in the Cross Dimension line of adding a new character while also giving Striker Manus the option of some really cool armor.

Check out a few pictures of these in the gallery, and if you want a MakeToys MTCD-05SP Buster Stealthwing of your own, order yours at TFSource!

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