For our next Mecha Maniacs Collector’s spotlight I got the opportunity to interview Marc Daniel of Venemously Addicted Photography. For our next Mecha Maniacs Collector’s spotlight I got the opportunity to interview Marc Daniel of Venemously Addicted Photography. It was great to get to know him a bit better and get some insight into what drives both his collecting and photography hobbies. Check it out below.

Kuma: Hey Marc and thanks for doing this interview. You’re an awesome dude and have been a fan of your photography for some time now but where did it all begin for you in terms of love and collecting?

Marc: Hmm. Well collecting and photography started at different times. I started collecting at 35. I bought my friend a Skywarp for his bday and thought well if he gets one, then I want one too so I bought a Megatron for myself. 1 turned into two, turned into four, etc. Photography is kind of a weird one. I will say I took pictures of Transformers for my son but they weren’t really good in hindsight. About 2.5 years ago I asked a friend for pointers and it really started from there. Also thank you for having me. Been a long time fan of yours ever since Megasteel Buster lol.

Kuma: Freaking MegaSteel! Buster got my heart and then they vanished into the wind! Now I understand collecting and photography both started as an adult but were you into this stuff when you were younger?

Marc: I was for sure but my parents couldn’t get me TF’s, it was always GoBots but they did there best. The cartoons though, I was always into. Voltron, Battle of the Planets, GoBots but my first real passion for the hobby as a whole was definitely Transformers.

Kuma: What about Transformers made it stand out for you?

Marc: Probably the dumbest thing. It was the noise they made when they transformed but deep down it was just the whole concept of these giant robots changing from one form to another.

Kuma: Well it’s definitely an aspect that’s unique

Marc: Very much so. People, most people, would recognize that sound anywhere

Kuma: Absolutely. Now do you still keep up with any current series and comics?

Marc: Comics not so much but TV shows I do. TF Prime was the last one and really looking forward to the Netflix series to come out. One day I do plan on going through the IDW series. I’m familiar with it enough though.

Kuma: Absolutely and personally I’m a big fan a few of the IDW series so I can’t wait to hear your thoughts once you do. Now with the photography aspect what motivated you to… I guess take it to another level and start doing it more frequently?

Marc: I have watched various photographers for a few years. 5 very specifically and I could never grasp the concept of how they pulled it off. One day I asked a mutual friend of ours, Chris C how he does it. We had a really long conversation about ISO settings and knew I was way off so I bought an entry level camera and just went at it. I never knew how much I loved photography vs just taking pictures until I got that camera but been in love with it ever since.

Kuma: That’s freaking awesome and as a fan I’m glad you stayed with it. So what are some of your favorite things to shoot?

Marc: Pretty much anything but if I had to pick one above all else it would be Spider-Man action figures. His agility just astounds me and depending on the figure you can get him into some amazing photos.

Kuma: That makes a lot of sense. Lots of room for expression with that. Would you say photography has any effect on your toy purchases? I ask because I know there are times where I’ll get something because I REALLY want to shoot it and may not have otherwise.

Marc: Not really. 98% is stuff that I want and want to keep but I think maybe 10 figures I have done that for. A few of them I kept because they were truly impressive, the rest I either took back or sold but I do understand that feeling

Kuma: That’s awesome and yea I wish I had a bit more resolve in that regard for the sake of wasting money at times; ha. So what advice would you as someone who’s been doing this a while have for anyone looking to jump into this hobby?

Marc: In terms of collecting, try and decide what you want and where you want to go with it. Don’t buy things just for the sake of buying them, or because they are on sale. I did that with Bayverse figures and wasted so much money on them. I had no direction and just grabbed everything in sight. In terms of photography, learn and never stop. Always ask questions, read or watch videos. I don’t think I would have come as far as I have had I not asked for advice, opinions, critiques. I’m still learning and it keeps paying off.

Kuma: That’s amazing advice and I wholeheartedly agree. Now where are some of the places that people can catch your photography as well as any other projects?

Marc: I have a Facebook page called Venomously Addicted Photography or anyone can follow me on Instagram and the name is marcdaniel7008.

Kuma: Awesome! Well Marc it’s been awesome to interview you and get to know you a bit better and I’m really looking forward to seeing everything you have coming next!
Thank you very much. It was both my pleasure and my honor to have been able to speak with you about all this. Keep up the great work!

Check out some pictures of both Marc’s collection and his photography work below and again it was a pleasure to interview him.

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