Mastermind Creations shows of Kultur’s going-out duds in this TFCon-exclusive release.

Producer: Mastermind Creations

Price: Approx. $110

Release Date: Oct. 2017

Item Height: Approx. 8″

Item Weight: N/A

WHERE TO BUY: Currently a convention exclusive.

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At this year’s TFCon “U.S.,” Mastermind unvieled one of multiple convention exclusives under their “Reformatted” line in the Asterisk version of Kultur (Tarn from the “Transformers” comics.) This is a straight redeco of the original release with an additonal, autobot-logo-homaging face and an additional comic explaining the significance of the color variances and mask. Check out the video review above as well as some thoughts on this piece and my gallery below and let me know what you think in the comments!”

Overall Score: 7.5/10 – This is a solid piece. It feels good, plays well, and the transformation both ways is buttery smooth. It truly is a great toy to me but where Kultur asterisk falls a bit short is the colors just being a bit garish to me. I will say that this has made me decide to go ahead and get a regular-styled Kultur and I cannot wait!
My thoughts on the color scheme of this piece are subjective but as a toy I definitely give this one a go. The fluid, sensible transformation of this piece is also something that makes me want to check out more current Mastermind Creations products as the complex, finicky transformations had turned me off from their stuff for some time.

Check out the gallery below, even though it’s currently a convention exclusive, make sure to keep checking in with Planet Steel Express to see if it gets a mass release.

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