A new frontier has arrived… in mobile gaming?

Game: Brave Frontier

Game Type: Classic Turn Based RPG

How Much: FREE

Where to Get: App Store, Google Play , Amazon Kindle Fire

As we all know, mobile phones are a fast growing resource tool for everyone. It has become a necessity that people from all walks of life have one especially kids that play all day with their faces sticking on tablet screen even when they’re doing number 2. The reason? Mobile gaming! It has become a sensation in the market today that you even have to take it as a degree in certain colleges and universities just to learn how to make it (Application Engineering). In addition, this is a good plus for all casino players out there, the new platform forces them to switch to situs slot online Casino Sbobet in Indonesia because of the convenience and less hassle when playing. Question, does mobile technology the new frontier when it comes to gaming? Answer…No! But it is catching up to the times. Enter… Brave Frontier developed by Gumi Inc and produced in Japan by Hisatoshi Hayakashi. His inspiration came from the likes of Final Fantasy, Romancing SaGA, Valkyrie Profile, and Star Ocean. People loves playing online casino games, baccarat.

Expect fast paced online betting games graphics due to mobile phones getting equipped with 4-8 core processors, talk about mobile phones with steroids. Soundtrack was produced by Sony Entertainment and you know that this game means business when they are put in the mix. When you listen carefully with the battle effects, you’ll get a bit of Dragonball Z with the hack, slash, punch, and a dash of elemental explosion rolled into one like a wasabi melting in your mouth kind of explosion. If you like something thrilling, where money is invlove when playing games, the best place for you to play is bearco-op, an online casino website. I really got hooked the minute my sister introduced me to it. She knew that I love RPGs ever since the first Final Fantasy,www.casinodames.com and Dragon Quest games (Now I’m really getting old). For those of you who don’t know what an RPG is (Role Playing Game) you are missing a lot about it, big time! Brave Frontier is almost similar to the latter with playability but the list of characters you can use is massive compared to 12 to 20 characters in a common RPG game. You will love to play variety of pkv games online, which is the most popular site among the gamblers.

As usual to all RPGs it starts with a storyline. You begin as a Summoner called in by Lucius, The God of Creation to save Grand Gaia from the 4 Fallen gods lead by a God named Maxwell. When the Tutorial starts, It asks you what path will you take. There are 6 lead characters called “Units” each with 6 different elements, Light, Dark, Water, Earth, Fire, and Thunder. You can choose anyone as you will be able to collect them all in the long run. After that you’ll be given a trial on how the game works and of course there’s the battle coming your way. You are given a 5 member team with an additional member (Online Friend) that you can use. Reminder, it is always your turn to start the battle, its like I-kick-you-you-kick-me battle of course you got to be the “last team standing” to win. Thats how turn based RPG works (crash course for newbies). Of course in every battle there’s a corresponding reward, Zel (currency), items, and BB crystals (Brave Burst) which fills the BB Gauge and can unleash the “Brave Burst mode” doubling the attack points of your Units. With the loot you got you can either create or “Synthesize” an Item at the Town or you can use the money to pay for “Fusing” and “Evolving” your Team Units. Now this is where it gets pretty much exciting and complicated. “Units” that you start with or captured during battle can be Evolved or can be a material for Evolution of your main Units. The Units rarity are determined by the “Stars” they have beside their names when you view them (1 star – common to 7 stars – rare). Of course the more “Stars” it has, the more rare and powerful the character is. Of course they also offer summoning with the use of Gems acquired within the game. With each Unit they have a specific type as to what the chart says underneath this paragraph.

Type :Effects on Stat Progression
Lord :All stats grow from base stats and do not deviate by a certain %.
Anima :HP gain increased by a certain %, while REC gain is reduced by a certain %.
Breaker :ATK gain increased by a certain %, while DEF gain is reduced by a certain %
Guardian:DEF gain increased by a certain %, while ATK gain is reduced by a certain %
Oracle :REC gain increased by a certain %, while HP gain is reduced by a certain %

TIP: Considering there are different types of Units available, I prefer to have the “Anima” type as recovery (REC) is key to winning the battle. It recovers your BB gauge faster and unleash the “Brave Burst Mode” quicker with overkill damage called Spark shown in green bold letters (you’ll see!).

Other than that the game is as better as it looks to be. With available online purchases, its not mandatory to buy “Gems” as these can be acquired with every mission unless you want to have that new Unit they have at the “Summon” area. For me, Its better off to save your money for those 3rd Party Transforming toys we have in the review. :) There is also an Arena stage wherein you can PVP (Player vs Player) that battles are played automatically by the app against another player and you win prizes when your outrank everyone on your friends list. The Raid Battles are new and you need to be LVL 100 to enter but other than that there is The Imperial Capital. It offers missions with different strength levels with rare rewards that await the highest ranking Summoner. Besides that there’s also a log-in bonus so you can keep up with your Units levels and Upgrade them with Orbs and so on, not to mention the freebies every time they have maintenance, issues, troubleshooting, and updates, what more can you ask for? So many possibilities for your units to be stronger and quicker but I will let you discover it for yourself.

So with everything that I have said, I just can’t find any fault on this and I’m trying to. I’m an RPG lover. It is pretty hard to look for cons (get it! CONS TF Fans!) on this game because I love the execution, and how they introduced a classic RPG style to the Neo-Culture Generation. To me it’s all about the fun of seeing mini fully pixelated characters that can kick a humongous oversized boss that has an attack equivalency more than your lifemeter. Aaaahh! that feeling of achievement. Just don’t forget to bring an Elixir, Mega Potion, and Revive Light in your item stash. See up until now I still give tips!

The Verdict? If you want a mobile game app with cute little chibi characters and love anime, get this game. If you despise RPG and hate everything that is about RPG? Still the same! For sure it will open up your mind and love the colourful new frontier of mobile gaming RPG…Brave frontier is here to stay.

I know there are things that I forgot mentioning but hey, I’m just an ordinary guy enjoying an extraordinary game.

Note: There are 7 star types that has been released prior to this review. Check out Brave Frontier Global for news and updates.

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