If there’s one thing Sentinel excels at it’s black repaints, and the Getter Devolution Black Getter is another one for their trophy shelf.

Producer: Sentinel

Price: Approx. $251 USD

Release Date: Feb. 2019

Item Height: Approx. 7.25″

Item Weight: N/A

Batteries: N/A


overview white

Sentinel started off the year with a redeco and slight retool of their insanely good (and reviewed) Getter Devolution Getter 1 with the Black Getter. This Devolution-styled take on the “Ryoma” version of Getter 1 seen in Getter Robo Armageddon really speaks highly of their design team in that they took what was one of their best products ever and made it even better. Since it’s so similar to the Getter 1 in terms of sculpt, accessories, and even box, I won’t be doing the full breakdown since that can all be read on the prior’s review but the video above and gallery below should suffice in showing off what it has to offer.

Overall Score: 10/10 – How Sentinel managed to make an even MORE imposing version of the Getter Devolution Getter 1 in this Black Getter is beyond me but fact is they did and it’s pretty damned amazing. All of the awesome look, build, and engineering of the Getter 1 in a sleek, Black redeco/retool.

Check out a few pictures of these in the gallery, and if you’re interested in a Sentinel Riobot Getter Devolution Black Getter of your own, order one at AmiAmi!

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