A new Masterpiece Exclusive redeco MP 14C Masterpiece Clampdown!

This repaint is based on the Diaclone Police deco of Sideswipe/Red Alert. It will be limited to 2000 pieces available in Japan in December. The figure appears to just be Red Alert in a new paint layout and with new decals and paint applications. I don’t see any molding differences at this time.

Is this Diaclone inspired homage worth a pickup? Well, the original MP Lambor and Alert toys are pretty fantastic, so it’s got a great mold. I would say it just comes down to your interest in Diaclone repaint/New characters in the MP line. Are you a strict TV series G1 collector? Then you can probably skip this guy. If you’re a completionist, well then I guess there’s one more MP Lambo redeco to add to the pile (Possibly 2 if they also put out the all black “Deep Cover” version)






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