And we’re at it with a new year and a brand new layout! This recording was probably our best one yet, and the new layout played a big part in that, IMHO. This episode is titled “Moving On”, because we got to get more in depth about how our collections and collecting habits have grown and shifted over the past few months, to where Gene and I in-particular are, for the most part, out of mainline Transformers collecting and into other toy lines altogether!

Today’s host are myself (TJ Duckett), Gene Unick, Ian Reid, and Adam Leboeuf.

Podcast Outline:

First half

1.) Intro

2.) Individual topics

– Gene – Hot Toys Bane and Joker DX-11
– Adam – Toy World’s “Hardbone” (Transformers Hardhead homage)
– Ian – The latest in the IDW ongoings (MTME #12 and RID #13)
– TJ – Fansproject’s Function X-01 “Code” (Transformers Chromedome homage)

3.) Intermission

Second Half

4.) Main Topic – Botcon 2013 location, date, and theme.

5.) Latest hauls and preorders

6.) Outro

Let us know what you think after listening. Feel free to email me directly at, or tweet us at the following usernames:

Me (TJ) – @Kuma_Style

Gene – @grimlockisking

Ian – @Ian_Reid

Matt – @StayinginTheBox

Adam – @_Agent_Adam

Nick – @AtlaskyPrime

Now for the fun stuff: To listen both directly and through Itunes, use these links here:



Direct Link:


Use the player below to play it right here on the site!

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