ThreeA is really giving these Transformers movies fantastic representation with this deluxe line.

Producer: ThreeA Toys

Price: Approx. $199 USD

Release Date: Q.1 2020

Item Height: 11.25″

Item Weight: N/A

Batteries: 2x LR44 cell batteries (not included)


overview white

ThreeA Toys keeps a great ball rolling with the latest addition to their “deluxe” scaled line of non-transforming, highly-articulated movie homages with Optimus Prime. This piece which homages his appearance in the Bumblebee movie really makes me appreciate the general design more given his limited appearance on top of being a standout product. The video above shows it in motion and below I give a more detailed, written take as well as providing a gallery. Let me know what you all think in the comments.

Presentation: The box is a fairly standard, “generations” styled design on one side with a nice splash styled graphic on the other. The box itself is a nice thick cardboard with the product and its accessories both well encased within.

Build: Like the Bumblebee and Blitzwing preceding it, this deluxe classed Optimus is also a nice mixture of diecast and plastic making for a really heavy and high-end **feeling** piece. The sculpt and paint apps are impeccable to the point where I really don’t think any company does the weathered look on a mass-produced basis as well as ThreeA. The joints are nice and tight while playing very smooth. Overall it’s a solid piece from top to bottom.

Accessories: Here’s a list of the accessories;

– Blaster
– Alternate hands
– Stand

The accessories are simple and sweet with not much to really say about them. Given Optimus’ limited appearance in the Bumblebee movie these pieces pretty much cover everything shown. The only complaint I have is that like the Deluxe Bumblebee, the stand legitimately clips together too tight and is really hard to disassemble without risking cosmetic damage to the connection points.

Articulation: The articulation on the deluxe Optimus is very good but he doesn’t quite get the range of the deluxe Bumblebee figure mostly due to them keeping keeping the aesthetic so 1:1 to the movie CGI with the more “bulky” body type. The video portion shows that it still gets good range but the Bumblebee figure simply set a very high standard.

Overall Score: 8.5/10The ThreeA Deluxe Optimus not only nails the aesthetic of the Bumblebee movie version it homages but as a product it gives you a nice size, great build, and awesome articulation. It’s products like this that keep my preferences further and further leaning towards non-transforming Transformer homages. The only reason this doesn’t get a bit higher is because of the limited ranges in some areas of articulation.

Check out the gallery below, and if you fancy a ThreeA deluxe class Optimus Prime for yourself, order one ASAP at ThreeZero HK.

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