Ichi, Ni, DinoSan!

Producer: Fansproject

Price: $69.99 USD

Release: Oct. 2015

Height: Approx. 4.25″


Fansproject continues the output of their Saurus Ryu-Oh combiner with the third in the series, Dinosan. It’s nice to see a more steady output on a combiner set that isn’t boxed (all together.) The figure itself is solidly made and a good homage to “Rairyu” from the Transformers “Victory” series. Outside of the lack of wrist swivel, I’d say that there’s really nothing wrong with this one; it looks as it should, poses well, etc. etc.. On the flip side, nothing really stands out about this one and it feels like more of one that you would buy to complete the set rather than potentially display on its own (which isn’t a bad thing.)

Overall Score: 7.0/10

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