Five Times The Fun!


Fansproject’s Master V (MADLAW) is a toy that very much so is what it is. You’re either going to really dig the aesthetic of the robot and alt. modes or you aren’t: neither of which is right or wrong. What I can speak to is the overall quality of this toy, and it’s very solid. Good poseability in it’s robot mode, cool gimmicks like a moveable visor and hip holsters for his blasters, and alt. modes that have a surprising lack of gaps from most viewing angles.

In the end, taking on a 5 changer who’s G1 toy had such horribly indistinguishable alt. modes is a big challenge. Fansproject took it head on and succeeded. However, it just doesn’t wow me as much as even some of their more recent figures.

Overall Score: 7.5/10

Enjoy a few more pictures of this figure below! Remember to click the pictures to view larger resolutions:

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