Gaiking the butterface?

Producer: Sen-Ti-Nel

Price: $130 USD

Release: Aug. 2015

Height: Approx. 7.0″


This is a redeco of Sen-Ti-Nel’s previous Gaiking The Knight release. For a more in-depth review of the mold itself click here. The accessories are all the same, and for details on what I think of the aesthetic changes, please watch the included video above.

I’m really high on the mold itself, as it’s a solid piece: however, the aesthetics are where it becomes more subjective and that choice in face design really ruins what’s otherwise an extremely good imagining of Gaiking Open-Face. What makes it worse for me is that the head/face sculpt for the regular Gaiking would be absolutely perfect just repainted into the correct colors… oh well.

Overall Score: 7.5./10

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