Wow. I don’t even have anything clever for this one. Wow.

Producer: TruForce Collectibles

Price: $90 USD

Release: Oct 2015

Height: Approx. 6″


I honestly don’t even know where to start on this thing because it’s overall just so good. To give the gist of what this is and where it came from; in January of this year (2015) a company named Truforce Collectibles began a kickstarter to crowd fund their figure design of “Megaman X” from the popular Capcom side-scrolling series of the same name. Somewhere down the line (or maybe prior to anouncing the kickstarter; I don’t know) Sen-Ti-Nel got brought on as the producers and the rest was history. They cleared their $200,000 goal by almost an extra $100,000 and unvieled the initial figure as well as a convention exclusive version at this years New York Comic Con (NYCC.) Now onto the figure.

The packaging is nice and features a front that opens so that “M.I.S.B.” collectors can still take a peak and see what the figure and its accessories look like. For those that do open it, they immediately get to marvel at how clean the paint job is. Sen-Ti-Nel is literally world-renowned for their quality and this is no exception. From paint apps to joints, the fit-and-finish of this one is 100% golden.

The poseability on this thing is to die for (see pics.) the addition of diecast parts in the front-leg area and bottom feet also really help for stability. Make sure to check out the video portion of this review to see just what this thing can do.

The accessories are nice… really nice. The buster gun having a LED gimmick was something that I hadn’t noticed in the kickstarter and was pleasantly surprised with (batteries are included as well as solid instructions on how to install them.) However, I do have a few nitpicks. Since the buster shot (the effect pieces) is for Megaman X, I wish it would have been a green-to-blue scheme rather than yellow-to-red. I’m also growing more-and-more tired of Sen-Ti-Nel’s generic stand attachment. They grip Megaman just fine, but it looks pretty bad in terms of photography and display with a big clear claw wrapped around a given part of him. I wish they could have done something like a flip panel on his backside revealing a hole that cam be pegged into instead. As much as I wish the buster effects also had a hole that can be pegged into from the bottom (ala the D-Arts Megaman X effect piece), I understand why it isn’t included as the way it all attaches needs the freedom for rotation (see-video section.)

This goes beyond collectible into that “celebration” category. The Truforce team provided a great design, Sen-Ti-Nel provided amazing execution (as usual), and what we as collectors and as fans got was an item that truly embodies the position that MegaMan X has had in the hearts of its fans. If you’re a Megaman fan then this item is a must. If you’re a fan of exceptional toys, then this item is a must. Do not pass this one up. The literal ONLY disappointment that this figure can ever bring me will be being the only character made from the series.

Overall Score: 9.5/10

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