Maketoys’ Vulcan definitely pets the “Hot” in Hot Spot.

Producer: Maketoys

Price: $135

Release Date: Jun 2016

Item Height: Approx. 8″” (both robot modes)

Item Weight: Approx. 1.2 lbs


overview white

One thing to note is that this review sample did not come with the replacement pieces for Axel and Katana which the finished copies will.

Overall Score: 9.0/10 – I’m not a Defensor guy and I’m damned sure not a Hot Spot guy, but this piece as an individual is just incredible. They took what I looked at as a very generic, blue fire truck bot and made it into a very imposing “leader.” Whether it’s base, armored, or alt. mode, Vulcan looks very aesthetically pleasing. I highly recommend this one.

Check out a few pictures of these in the gallery below and remember to order your Pandinus at TFSource if you like what you see!

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