It’s just damned good. buy it now.

Producer: Mastermind Creations

Price: $84.99

Release: Dec. 2015

Height: Approx. 7.0″


overview white

It has to be noted that this is a retool of the previously released Spartan from Mastermind Creations. There are aspects of this video review that are missing such as the transformation due to previously being covered in that review. Outside of aethetic differences from Spartan, Commotus also comes with a Blaster appropriate to the “Turmoil” character he homages as well as leaving behind the Impactor-specific arm attachments that Spartain came with.

Commotus really does just knock it out of the park. It takes everything about the previously reviewed Spartan, and wraps it up in a slick black/azure package. One thing I love about the color dynamics on this pieces is that it’s a black deco presented in a very unapologetic fashion. A lot of Transformers toys you see with black decos add unecessary highlights/accents in gaudy colors (death to teal) in order to break things up, but in fact make the scheme look awful. This is a black and azure slice of heaven. The mold itself is extremely impressive as well and I don’t think it’s possible to have nailed Turmoil’s headsculpt any better. Commotus is one of those ones that you’ve got to check out if given any kind of opportunity.

Mastermind Creations is becoming more and more that “go to” for those still interested in the “Classics” styles Transformers homages. Even with Mastermind Creations venturing into other styles and scales, the reformatted line hasn’t skipped a beat; in fact, they’ve gotten better. Pick up Commotus as soon as you can; it’s just a damned good toy.

Overall Score: 9.2/10

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