Iron Factory’s Tactical Staff is the kind of stuff makes you glad to collect during this generation of Transformers homages.

Producer: Iron Factory

Price: $69.99

Release: Jan. 2016

Height: Approx. 3.25″


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I’ll just go ahead and start this off by saying Iton Factory’s IF EX-12 is phenomenal and that you should buy them as soon as possible. These homages to Prowl (Captor,) Silverstreak (Silverflash,) and Smokescreen (SmokeBomber) really hit the mark. They nail the “upgraded” styling of the current IDW comics while giving the option to have an unarmored, more traditional look (although they the Cybertronian-styled alt. modes.) The things are also as poseable as all getout; as I’d stated in the video, it makes figures of larger sizes come off almost shameful not being able to do some of the things these do whether it be engineering, aesthetics, or poseability. These are definitely costly for their size, but you get quite a bit for what you purchase.

Iron Factory’s Tactical Staff pours another layer of cement on Iron Factory’s status as the undisputed king of legends-class Transformers homages. The quality started off great, and continues to improve, but what gets me is that with each release you see some new things like engineering quirks that leave an impression each time. With the Tactical Staff, I have to say what really stood out is the ability to transform with or without the armor on. I cannot wait for their upcoming War-Within Dinobots.

Overall Score: 9.0/10

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