Shi is 4 and Dinoshi is the fourth of this set.

Producer: Fansproject

Price: $70

Release: Dec. 2015

Height: Approx. 4.75″


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Fansproject brings the fourth in it’s Saurus Ryu-Oh (Dinoking) combiner team with Dinoshi. Simple is the name of the game as Dinoshi is almost stereotypical in terms of being a “run of the mill” combiner limb. It’s decent, but really doesn’t bring anything noteworthy to the table. In fact; the most standout aspect of it is its functionality as an arm for the combiner, IMO. I feel that the video description does an accurate job of going over the figure and its features so definitely check that out.

Overall Score: 5.5/10 – Honestly, it’s a pretty run-of-the-mill limb bot but serves its purpose in terms of having a decent presentation in both modes. It’s just not something that I would buy on its own.

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