Back in Black!

Producer: Perfect Effect

Price: $150 USD

Release: Dec. 2015

Height: Approx. 8.0″


overview white

Perfect Effect’s Xerxes is a darker-themed repaint of their previously released Leonidas. Therefore I won’t be going over the basics but morseo the differences from he and Leonidas (please check out the video for a side-by-side comparison of the two.)

The most striking difference (besides the additional horn) will be the paint scheme. Rather than the white, red, and gold color scheme of Leonidas, Xerxes is compromised of mainly black. gray, red, and teal. I love black repaints, but this particular deco isn’t very appealing to me. I would have personally left the teal out, went with a more atttractive shade of red, and kept the red-colored eyes that Leonidas had rather than the black ones they decided on with Xerxes. The varied accessories are nice to me, however. Xerxes comes with a a longer-scoped gun as a secondary that attaches to the traditional blaster to create a sniper rifle. Xerxes also comes with claw weapons rather than the swords. I’m torn on which I like better between the two but definitely dig them both.

Overall Score: 7.5/10 – Even though I don’t like the color scheme, the toy itself is pretty rad with a nice set of accessories to set it apart from. I think another awesome addition for Xerxes would have been wings similar to the creature written about in the Book of Daniel.

Check out a few pictures of these in the gallery below and remember to order yours at TFSource if you like what you see!

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