The spirit of Dai Atlas lives on with Fansproject’s Dai Z

Producer: Fansproject

Price: Approx. $129.99 USD

Release Date: Nov. 2016

Item Height: Approx. 8″

Item Weight: Approx. 1 lbs (unboxed)


overview white

Fansproject’s Dai-Z is the latest in their “Warbot” series of products. This homage to the Transformers character Dai Atlas is a retool of the previously released Trianix Alpha and features additional accessories as well as a combined alt. mode for the three vehicles (it sort of resembles the “Big Powered” combination the original Dai Atlas piece had with Sonic Bomber and road Fire.) Even though it was released second, I lean towards Dai-Z being the piece originally designed due to the vehicles and whatnot having a more slavish look to the original than Trianix Alpha does to Dai-Battles.

With Trianix Alpha having been reviewed here and this piece having so many similarities to it in terms of transformation and functionality, I won’t get overly in-depth with those aspects. The video portion does a good job of looking over the toy as well.

Overall Score: 7.5/10 – Much like Trianix Alpha, I feel like this is the culmination of a lot of what Fansproject has been doing design-wise since its inception, particularly with the Warbot line. Between the two, I feel like this one is more standout due to the colors, design, and extra accessories. It’s nice to see Fansproject get off a release without any sort of prominent issues either as they haven’t had the best of luck over the past few years in that area. I highly recommend this piece because even if you aren’t familiar with the Dai Atlas character, this is both a solid and FUN toy that I feel most will enjoy regardless.

Check out the gallery below Fansproject’s Dai-Z below and if you like what you see, order yours from TFSourcee.

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