Fansproject’s back and… now Grimlock is a Wrecker? Severo Core brings as many questions as it does answers!

Producer: Fansproject

Price: Approx. $100 CAD (Approx. $76 USD)

Release Date: July 14th 2018

Item Height: Approx. 6.5″

Item Weight: N/A

Batteries: N/A

WHERE TO BUY: Stay tuned to Ages Three and Up for further information.

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At this past weekend’s TFCon Toronto Fansproject showed that it isn’t only back but ready to get things going on the right foot in continuing their Warbot line with WB-009 Severo Core. This takes their preexisting Grimlock homage Severo and wraps it in Steelcore skin which it wears well. Check out the video review above as well as my written thoughts and gallery below and let me know what you think of it all in the comments.

Presentation: The copy used for this review did not come with a box so there’s obviously no comment on that aspect and I will edit this as soon as my retail copies come in. The piece itself however it’s well done with very good coloring and paint apps which overall just pop. My favorite aspect is the clear plastics used on the “outer” shell of the Soleron. It all just looks great.

Build: Fansproject’s Severo Core is an entirely plastic piece with a sturdy type of plastic used. I do like that the annoying tab underneath the crotch of Steelcore has been fixed on this one for a much easier separation to begin transformation.

Accessories: Severo Core comes with the same gun as Steelcore however rather than the dagger this comes with two saw accessories that attach to it in its folded-up mode. Overall I think it looks really good and is a nice “fit” for the Grimlock character.

Articulation: For better and worse, Severo Core keeps the exact same articulation as Steelcore which was definitely engineered ahead of its time but falls short in a few areas namely ankle tilt range and no wrist swivel. Steelcore was such an amazing feat for the time that those things were easy to overlook but now that some of those advanced features it presented are more standard, Severo Core suffers from a bit of mediocrity.

Overall Score: 7.5/10 – Fansproject managed to really work out a nice repaint/retool of the Steelcore mold and it’s overall just very smart in both mold choice and execution. The only thing that really keeps this one from being in that 8.5-10 point range is the fact that it carries over some deficiencies from the prior mold like single-jointed elbows and a lack of wrist swivels.

Check out the gallery and even and if you’re interested in purchasing one of your own, order from Ages Three And Up!

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