So, with the year ending it’s traditional to count down your highlights from the year. Being that it’s Christmas Eve as I begin writing this toys are, with good reason, at the front of my mind. So as an entry point to writing on Kuma Style, I’ve put together a list of my favourite toys from the last twelve months.


10. Takara Dark Guard First Edition Optimus Prime

Released at the end of the year, this is a Yodobashi Camera exclusive. A repaint of the very awesome First Edition Optimus Prime mold this is a figure that took me a bit by surprise. I tend to try to keep up to date with what’s going on in the black repaint scene and I somehow missed this right up until it was solicited. While it was put out almost in tandem with the Nemesis Prime recolour of the Robots in Disguise Voyager Optimus Prime, this has several advantages. Firstly, it is a much more solid toy. The engineering on the FE Prime is beyond superb. It ranks very highly in terms of Optimus molds both in screen accuracy and playability. Secondly, it has a semi-rare colour scheme in terms of black Prime repaints in that it eschews the traditional teal, silver and black for a more opulent (and in my eyes impactful) gold and black. This pairs beautifully with Big Black Convoy, one of my absolute favourite toys. All in all, this was a fabulous late entry in what was already a great year for a Black Prime collector.


9. Onell Designs/The God Beast Glyos System Armorvors

I got into these guys at what seems to be the optimal time. The Armorvors are part of the Glyos system of toys. Glyos are basically a system of interlocking plastic parts that can be configured into pre-made figures or made into whatever the owner can imagine. The line encourages customization and has a forum dedicated to the sharing and distribution of Glyos related experimentation.

The Armorvors were originally customs whose history is recounted thoroughly here. Very recently however they have been integrated into the semi-monthly Glyos drops. These usually sell out very quickly and contain figures that are exclusive to that run. I’ve been luck enough to grab the last two sets and have enjoyed them immensely. The Armorvors are mode up of 17 parts shown here:

The parts allow for a number of different head configurations:

In addition, there are custom heads made by some very talented artists such as the aforementioned The God Beast

I’m very excited to see what this line of toys offers and also to supporting indie toy makers with such talent.



8. Hasbro Masterpiece Optimus Prime

Anyone who owned any version of MP-01 will put it in a class of its own. More a statue than a toy and fitting of the name “Masterpiece”. Therefore there was a huge amount of pushback when Takara announced that MP-10 would be Optimus Prime.

The great news is that this was not just an exercise in downsizing or a quick cash grab but a total re-engineering of the concept of “Convoy”. Successful on almost every imaginable level the Hasbro version was released with all the accessories but crucially moved the paint apps from the interior of the trailer to the eyes and running lights. This in my mind makes a more engaging robot mode. As opposed to the awesome but relatively minor revamp for MP-11, MP-10 is rightfully and aggressively the new standard for the Masterpiece line. What a brilliant base to grow from.


7. FansProject Warbot 03: Assualter

 An amazing evolution of the original Warbot, this is a toy that seems like it shouldn’t work. Weird hard angles, heavy with die cast parts and an alt mode that alienates a large portion of the target market – this is a toy that succeeds in spite of itself. The gimmicks of the second face and the carrier mode are a matter of personal taste – I love them – but there is no denying the imposing nature of this Broadside homage. I’ve talked enough about this on my own site but this is still available and is completely worth the $95 asking price. Please buy and enjoy this guy.


6. Maketoys Type 6-1 Giant

After owning both Hercules and Giant I can truly say they are both great toys. However, for me and my tastes Giant wins out hands down. With a tighter build more suitable for posing and a scale more in keeping with the Fansproject toys, what they give up in playability to Herc they more than make up in aesthetics. Of the wealth of Devastators we were given this year, Giant in any colour is a head above his taller brother.


5. Takara MP-12 Lambor

The first truly new Masterpiece Transformer of the year, MP-12 is also the first in a number of other ways. There’s no die-cast metal and no rubber tires. He’s the first in the new size class, scaled to MP-10 and the first non-leader character to be given the Masterpiece treatment (repaints aside). He’s also a phenomenally fun toy with clever engineering and great articulation. You absolutely need to play around with this one to appreciate how much better he looks in hand. The wide chest and sunken face sculpt hinder the look of the figure in photography. This site’s owner and a few others manage to still make it look good, but in person it is truly a milestone for Takara.


4. Figma Link/Samus Aran

So I put these two together (cheating!) because I really feel they compliment each other. Samus is from Metroid: Other M, Link from Skyward Sword. In my mind though they are Smash Brothers. These were my entry into the Figma toy line after owning a few Revoltechs. These are definitely a step up in terms of posing and play. The accessories, the stand and the play value on these guys raise them very high on my favourites list. They are on my desk so that I can pick them up and mess with them whenever I want. Other than the Gylos, these are the only non-robots on my list with the exception of my number 3…


3. CMS Corp Gutto Kuru Minelba (limited colour edition)

When this was announced I had ZERO interest. I had no connection to the Masterforce series and have a very limited amount of non-transforming toys. As I started to see more of this however it’s unique joint system and sculpt, as well as how it handled things like the helmet and hair sold me on it…especially the video Gogdog did. I decided I wanted to pick one up. When I looked into it though, I saw that there was a limited version being put out in the G1 Nightbeat colours which I prefer over the red of Minelba. This is another I have close by to fiddle with. The headmaster backpack is the crown on this one.


2. FansProject Warbot 02: Steelcore

What a surprise and a coming of age this toy was! FansProjects first foray into a unique character of their own was a unequivocal success. Some may have passed on it due to the lack of homage or the fact that it was available exclusively on Fansprojectcore but they do so to their own detriment. The interesting engineering, the Steel/Corer gimmick and the sheer articulation and fun he was made my respect for FPJ grow enormously. Factor in that the play possibilities with replacement Minibots as well as the announced trailer and you have in my opinion a toy that will stand the test of time for several years. This is a truly fun toy.

and finally…


1. Mastermind Creations Airborne Squad Awakening Edition

A love letter to details. Every single facet of the toy has a purpose and a place. This is the result of boiling down a figure to its base and then adding, adding, adding until you’ve squeezed the absolute most out of the original idea. Based off of the Hearts of Steel Starscream by Guido Guidi and recreated in plastic this is truly the line art made real.

When I saw the Awakening limited edition being offered I knew that I was going to get it. I’ve always loved the look of the prototypes that we see early in the design process so getting to be able to own a production sample with that plain, simple deco was an opportunity I couldn’t pass. When I got the toy in hand I was astounded by the careful and intricate design and solidity of what looks like a fragile piece. It was a something I couldn’t stop talking about (ask TJ or Gene) how much I loved and it is far and away my favourite toy I got this year.

Final Thoughts

What an amazing year. At times it felt like there was nothing coming out, at others like you were drowning in a glut of releases. The measure of the year really isn’t the things on this list, but the amount of stuff I left off in order to pare this down to 10. The beginning of 2013 looks to start decidedly on the heavy end of the release spectrum. With Function X -01:Code (that TJ just reviewed!), Masterpiece Soundwave, Maketoys Choas/Paladin in the next month, and Hexatron, the Ferocicons and FansProjects Stunticons and a reissue Fort Max in the near future, this year is shaping up to be incredible. Who knows what else will surprise us, but I’m ready to find out and share my thoughts and excitement with toy fans whenever possible. Thanks so much for your time, and for continuing to be a community I’m still proud to be part of.

– ian 1/1/13

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