Iron Factory has made the War Within something you can’t go without!

Producer: Iron Factory

Price: Approx. $149.99 USD

Release Date: Nov. 2016

Item Height: Approx. 4″-4.5″

Item Weight: N/A


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Iron Factory has been dropping just a ton of products over this 4th quarter, and one of them is their set of five “War-Within” styled Dinobot homages in the Ashura Knights. With sizes ranging between 4″ and 4.5″, these not only scale well to the rest of their line, but give them more room to really showcase some nice detailing as well and plain heft from the sheer amount of plastic used on them. They also have plenty of 5mm peg holes throughout to armor them up with weapons and make them look even more imposing.

Check out the video portion as well as the gallery to get a good look at these and let me know what you think in the comments!

Overall Score: 7.0/10 – This is a solid set for a great price when you do the math at $30 per, however the general articulation does feel a bit limited compared to their other more recent releases. Regardless, these pieces are incredible quality and well sculpted along with having a plethora of accessories weapon-wise. The Ashura Knights are a fantastic addition to anyone’s Legends-scaled collection.

Check out the gallery below Iron Factory’s Ashura Knights and if you like what you see, order yours from TFSource.


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