Interview with CenoKibble about Mastermind Creations and the new “Reformatted” Line!

In this interview, I got the chance to pick the brain of CenoKibble, who does the promotion and even story writing for Mastermind Creations! […]

By |2020-02-25T10:03:37-06:00March 5th, 2013|Featured, Toy News and Rumors|10 Comments

Toy Review/Pictorial: Mastermind Creations’ Knight Morpher KM-07 Warper

Mastermind Creations brings down the house with KM-07 Warper: The last in their Hearts of Steel in inspirted Eliminators series! […]

Gene’s Discussion: 3rd Party Products, What They Mean for 1/6 Scale Toys Versus Transformers

At the request of one of my cohorts here on the site (cough*Ian*cough) I was charged with trying to come up with a plausible comparison/contrast/explanation for how the 3rd party product scene differs for 1/6 Scale […]

By |2012-12-19T08:54:18-06:00December 16th, 2012|Featured, Thoughts and Blogs|4 Comments


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