Iron Factory Blitzing its competition with Trinity Elity Warrior!

Producer: Iron Factory

Price: $42 USD

Release: Apr. 2016

Height: Approx. 4.0″


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Iron Factory continues its crazily consistent rollout of products with IF-EX 13 Trinity Elite Warrior. This product homages the Transformers character Blitzwing and I have to say it really nails it from the aesthetic standpoint. Being legends scale, a lot of leeway is naturally given due to the lack of “space” for fine details, but Iron Factory as per usual really did a great job of nailing the aesthetic. Their color choices on this particular figure are just top notch as well.

Trinity Elite Warrior is great to look at, but took a bit to get it to the point where its robot mode was “fun” to play around with. The joints (particularly the bicep/thigh swivels and the peg-in for the ankle balljoints) were initially so tight that I feared breaking them every time I posed them. Eventually just moving the parts around loosened them up, but that’s an impression that may put people off initially.

The two alt. modes on Trinity Elite Warrior are great. Both the jet and Tank mode really look nice and neither feel phoned in. The transformations are relatively simple as well, however getting the feet in proper placement can be tricky without seeing a picture of how they’re supposed to be lined up first.

Overall Score: 7.0/10 – Overall, it’s a good figure with a strong aesthetic, but the playability just isn’t as much there as the previous releases. However, I still view this as a definitive Blitzwing at a legends-class and would definitely recommend it to those looking.

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