Shadow Fisher has done a great job of making the old new again.

Producer: Shadow Fisher

Price: $94.99 (Comes with SF-01 Heavy arms)

Release: Jan. 2016

Height: N/A


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Another Shadow Fisher Review, and another written piece to where I don’t really have much to say. This is an additional kit that comes with their SF-01 Heavy Arms set that gives MakeToys’ Quantron the ability to rotate at the waist while keeping his backpack/bow attached as opposed to it previously staying in place. It doesn’t seem like much, but once you actually see the difference aesthetically it becomes well worthwhile. I would buy this on it’s own so I was elated to find out that it was a free pack-in. It’s quality materials, the color matches perfectly, and my Quantron has never looked better in dynmamic poses.

Overall Score: 8.0/10 (using the score from SF-01 since this is a pack-in)

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