The path to the King of Dinos begins now.

Producer: Fansproject

Price: $69.99 USD

Release: Oct 2015

Height: Approx. 5.25″


Dinoni is the second in Fansproject’s Dinoking combiner homage team (going by the name of “Saurus Ryu-Oh”.) from the “Transformers: Victory” cartoon series. This particular but homages the “Yokuru” and forms the right arm in combined mode. It comes with its blaster as the one, singular accessory. The aesthetic is an obvious homage but definitely screams Fansproject’s signature styling. Dinoni is also notably about 1/4th of an inch taller than the average Fansproject combiner limb in robot mode… whether or not this will lead to a bigger combiner mode as a whole is not yet known, but it’s nice to see some variance in sizes in both Fansproject’s AND MakeToys’ combiner team members nowadays.

Having seen the combined mode for this project, I can’t help but to look at these as benchmarks on the way to the completed piece: however, Dinoichi and Dinoni have shown that these can be well-done and solid figures in their own right without feeling like their individual modes were short-changed.

Overall Score: 7.0/10

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