And now we take a look at the other recently released Maketoys upgrade kit for 2012 Shattered Glass Optimus Prime! This kit puts the phrase “bigger and badder” to use from top-to-bottom.

Video Segments:

Out Of The Box: Beginning

Truck Mode: 2:26

Robot Mode: 4:07

Final Thoughts: 14:16

The truck mode pretty much mirrors the upgrade kit for S.G. Ultra Magnus in terms of basic aesthetic. The new front bumpers and hood from the modified chest plate and shoulders truly do wonders for this alt. mode. It does have character-specific detailing with “Till all are Gone!” written on each side of the oil tanker, along with the sword holster and hilt being placed on the back of the tanker like the original Battle Tanker mold.

The first thing that stands out about the robot mode is the new headsculpt. It mirrors that of the original Battle Tanker mold, but has a nice crack from the bottom of the eye through the mouth plate to give it a much more “Shattered Glass” styling to it. A perfect color match of gray, gold, on top of the “little things” like chrome coloring on his missile launchers really make this kit feel like it was “meant” for this deco of the Reveal The Shield Optimus mold.

Weapons-wise, this set is no joke! The most prominent is his big sword, which is the same blade shape as the original Battle Tanker but a clear orange, and also features a new hilt. Gone is the light-up gimmick, and the cord that connects the backpack to the hilt! He also features the standard blasters from the original Battle Tanker, and the option to remove the spikes from his shoulder pads and replace up to two of them with chained spiked for projectile-type weaponry.

Just like all versions of this set, the oil tanker does also turn into an exo-suit for him.

In my last review of the Dagger Insterspace Army Commando deco of this armor, I said that it wasn’t a must-have. That isn’t the case with this one. The 2012 Shattered Glass Optimus Prime has lived in the shadow of the 2008 version since it was released: You now have the means to have a Shattered Glass Optimus Prime that is BETTER than the 2008 version in every way imaginable. If you own the 2012 version, you owe this set to yourself.

Overall Score: 9.5/10

Enjoy a few more pictures of this figure below! Remember to click the pictures to view larger resolutions:

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